I come from a bi-cultural family. My father was East Indian and grew up in British Guiana. My mother was American and grew up Amish.

My parents spent the first five years of their marriage as missionaries for the Mennonite Church, running a children’s home in Puerto Rico. My brother and I were born while they lived on the island.

  Music was my first love. I started singing in public when I was 10, performing in large concert halls and at school concerts. When I was 11, I began composing music and singing with a band. 

  For five years I played the cello and later, I spent seven years studying piano. I was a voice major my first two years in college but eventually switched to Sociology, which morphed into studying Clinical Social Work at the University of Chicago. 

In 1987, I launched a private psychotherapy practice in downtown Chicago, specializing in marital relationships, career coaching and small business consulting. I continued taking voice lessons and performed regularly, including two one woman shows at Davenport’s, a well known cabaret club in Chicago.

I retired from my private practice in 2011 and spent the next decade enjoying retirement and my relationship with my life partner. We traveled the world, including India, Australia, Croatia, Greece, Budapest and Prague.

In 2022, I launched a virtual coaching practice, offering life, career, relationship and business coaching. When I’m not working, I spend time reading and working on short stories and novels. 

I feel the best years of my life, creative and otherwise, are ahead of me. Thank you for taking time to stop and learn a little about who I am.