I've been writing and studying writing for decades.  I've taken more writing workshops than I can count. I've spent a gazillion dollars on workshops and professional editors. I've attended well known writing conferences where I've pitched my work and I've experienced some surprising results. At one conference my prose manuscript was taken for review by a publisher in San Francisco and more recently an agent at a well known conference where I pitched my first novel decided to represent me. I've also facilitated writing groups and recently, after many years, my work is finally getting published. You can read much of it here on this website.

I have had a career coaching practice in which I've offered my clients writing services related to resume development, graduate essays and fellowship applications. I decided to launch this service for creative writers who need help writing query letters and synopsis, help finding developmental editors or agents and those who are seeking writing resources.

I am goal oriented in my own life and in my work with clients, whether as a psychotherapist, career coach or writer and I bring this same goal oriented approach to helping creative writers develop strategies for getting their work out into the world.

If you think you could benefit from working with me, give me a call. I offer a free 30 minute zoom to see if we are a good fit and to determine whether I can help you.

I charge $50 an hour for reading queries and synopsis and $125 for a 60 minute strategy session. I do not edit longer work. My contact info is below.