"The great defect of craft-driven programs is that they ignore the writer's inner process. Creativity, the inner process of imagination, is not discussed.” From Narrative Design by Madison Smartt Bell.
I’ve been a serious writer for most of my life and have participated in numerous writers conferences, groups and writing workshops, yet this subject - creativity and imagination - are almost never spoken of. It’s as if these are a given. Yet many writers, myself included, go through long fallow periods, where nothing moves us to sit down and confront the empty page.
I believe creativity and imagination are somewhat ephemeral. For me, the impetus to write is often sparked by experiences in nature, observations or interactions with people, awareness and exploration of my own emotional life or startling experiences that require closer examination.
Another rich source of creative and imaginative material comes from the unconscious. Many writers, write work based on memorable dreams. One of the tricks of using this resource is to get the ideas written down quickly. This enables you to capture their visceral essence.
Another source of imaginative or creative inspiration, comes from reading the work of other great writers. There have been occasions when I’ve been awake for hours after reading the work of gifted writers. Excitement about another writer’s work, frequently motivates me to engage in my own work.
I believe, the most memorable writing derives from taking risks, breaking the rules, introducing an idea, image, metaphor, thought, piece of dialogue, action or juxtaposition that is unexpected. Such writing startles the reader to reconsider their perspective of a character, their perceptions of the world or creates new insight into their own experience.
I have also been a singer, composer and musician for many years. Those of you who participate in other art forms may find, these additional creative outlets, fuel your writing. There have been times when writing words seemed fused with musical notes, sounds or phrases.
Any thoughts, fellow writers? What sparks your creativity and imagination? I’d love to hear from you!