Thoughts on Plotting….
Recently, I dropped out of a 6 week novel plotting class which used Save the Cat and other prescriptive approaches to novel writing.
I found this way of approaching plotting, exhausting. I don’t write like this. There’s no joy in it. It’s more like putting a thousand piece puzzle together. My novels, characters and plots develop organically - for me, it’s a process of discovery as I go. Using a prescriptive approach to plot, feels like paint by numbers. The class just wasn’t a good fit for me.
In general, I think writers are either folks who outline or they're pantsers (writing by the seat of your pants) and I'm definitely the latter. I've tried outlining before and it's mostly a headache. For me, plot derives from character and, instead of trying to forecast what's coming, or guessing what the reader's thinking or wondering about how to keep things exciting, I am following my character's lead, in effect - I'm behind them, watching them, often trying to keep up with them. Writers of fiction often say their characters take the story in a new and unexpected direction and this certainly has happened to me.
It’s my belief that teachers who apply screenwriting techniques to novel writing, miss the boat. For me, part of the pleasure of writing is not knowing what’s up ahead… stumbling upon a gold nugget when I least expect it.
Wanna jump into the fray? Share your own thoughts about plotting or anything else related to literary fiction. I’d love to hear it.